Program Media – LOL-LifeOfLiberty 74262 Home About Us Services Testimonials Program Media Join Us Contact Us Program Media Video Photos VIDEOSTATSUThis video features LOL's CEO/President/Founder speaking about LOL and the services it offers, along with the overall business philosophy.TATSUParticipant Marlem speaks about being enrolled in the LOL Adult Day Program.TATSUParticipant/employee Sergio speaks about his LOL job.TATSUSupport Staff members, Ms. Rhonda speaks about the LOL outing to Brother Benno's.TATSUMs. Claudia Munoz speaks about her role as the LOL Program Director.TATSUSupport Staff member, Ms. Carmen speaks about the LOL outing to Calvary Chapel.TATSUClass Instructor Ms. Shannon speaks about the MiraCosta College (MCC) classes and partnership with LOL.TATSUSupport Staff member, Ms. Carmen speaks about her facilitation role in LOL's Culinary Classroom.TATSULOL's CEO, leadership team & staff members speak about what they like about being a part of the LOL team.PHOTOS40017300